Users & Permissions

Assigning Roles

Every production has a unique set of User Assignments that determine who has what permissions on that particular production.

To edit these assignments, go to your production, and then the gear tab, and then choose User Assignments.

Any existing assignments are visible in the area at the top. This shows every user along with each of their roles on this production.


Viewing Assignments

To view a specific user assignment, click it from this view.

This will show you a record of which roles this user has, who assigned them, and when. You can also remove or add any assignments for this user on this screen.

At the bottom is a breakdown of every role assigned to this user, along with a permissions table explaining which specific permission that user has on this production.


Permission Hierarchy

All permission assignments are additive. This means that if you assign multiple roles to one user with overlapping permissions, that user will have the combined permissions of each of those roles.

Managing Users